The Peterson Family

Tampa, FL

Courtney & Austin

St. Petersburg, FL

The Crismore Family

Orlando, FL

The Crouch Family

Sarasota, FL

The Strutt Family

St. Petersburg, FL

The Harvey Family

Charleston, SC

The Lawson Family

Charleston, SC

The Betz Family

Charleston, SC

Kayla & Zack

St. Petersburg, FL

The Rodgers Family

St. Petersburg, FL

The Harvey Family Film

Charleston, SC

Why should you book your family film / photo session with me?




Don't wait until everything in your life is "perfect". Let me create photos or film of your family that your children will cherish forever.

You've taken so many

photos and videos of your children, but you should

also be included in

the frame with them.

Kids don't care about your extra pounds! Just being loving and caring parents is what they'll always remember (even looking exhausted).